[sidebar] The Boston Phoenix
January 29 - February 5, 1998


t h i s   w e e k

Get Bill
The base meets the surreal in a capital city that, briefly, matters again
D.C. Dateline by Jason Vest

On being a wog

I've stood on both sides the racial divide
by Yvonne Abraham

Sentiment, with a side of bacon

We love diners for what they once meant. But history doesn't pay the utility bills.
by Jane Hodges

c o l u m n s

Editorial by the Phoenix

Fire Linda Ruthardt
If the acting governor wants the people's trust, he must clean house at the Division of Insurance

Don't Quote Me by Dan Kennedy

Mr. Personality
Ed Cafasso, the attorney general's press secretary, is passionate, aggressive, and confrontational. Does that help or hurt Scott Harshbarger?

Out There by Mark Bazer

Conversion course
You'd expect Scientologists to be spacey and intense. You might not expect them to make such a bad movie.

Talking Politics by Michael Crowley

Ruthardt of darkness
State insurance commissioner Linda Ruthardt keeps looking worse and worse. And Paul Cellucci keeps looking the other way.

[5] Ask Dr. Lovemonkey

a r c h i v e d   a r t i c l e s

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