Smart cookies
Mrs. Hanes' Moravian Cookies
by John Buntin
The perfect tea cookie would be light, crisp, and refreshing, with a taste to
complement your favorite afternoon tea. It would have some of the rich, crumbly
taste of shortbread but wouldn't have shortbread's artery-busting qualities. It
would be, in other words, a lot like Mrs. Hanes' Moravian Cookies. Wafer-thin
and flavorful, the cookies are rolled by hand and use real butter, real sugar,
and other natural ingredients -- but pack only 130 calories per half-dozen. The
original sugar cookies are a delight; the lemon crisps and ginger snaps are
divine. At $15 plus shipping for a one-pound tin, they're only slightly more
expensive than fancy (and deadly!) shortbread cookies from the supermarket.
Mrs. Hanes' Moravian Cookies can be ordered by calling (888) 764-1402 during
business hours or visiting
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