The Boston Phoenix
March 30 - April 6, 2000

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Currant affair

Stone's Original Ginger

by Julia Hanna

noshing & sipping
  • Hungarian Mushroom soup, Mar. 23
  • Hostess Lucky Puffs, Mar. 16
  • Mrs. Hanes' Moravian Cookies, Mar. 9
  • Now that we've made it through the darkest days of winter, our thoughts have turned to the cool, long-sipping drinks of warmer weather, the kind that go down easy and taste great. Our favorite is made with Stone's Original Ginger, a peppy currant wine from England that's flavored with ground ginger. Hard-core ginger lovers will want to go for the burn and drink Stone's straight over ice, but we prefer the ginger snap, a refreshing combination of one part Stone's to three parts vodka. Top it off with club soda or (our preference) ginger ale, garnish with an orange slice and a cherry, and you've got yourself a fresh-faced beverage that packs a sneaky wallop. Stone's Original Ginger is available for $10.99 a bottle at Mall Discount Liquors (at Fresh Pond), Marty's (in Allston), and Blanchard's (in Allston).

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