The 40-year-old British singer Sealhenry Samuel, known to the world as Seal, retrenches and turns a corner on this, his fourth homonymous album, delivering a smooth blend of pop-and-dance-infused soul with his own style of grandiloquent vocals. From the start, Seal proclaims his desire to get back to the music that he left us with back in 1998 on Human Being (Warner Bros.). "I’m a needle in a haystack/I’m a complex soul/If you get with me baby I’m gonna do it all," he sings on the dance-friendly "Let Me Roll." And he does do it all on this album. What we hear is a more focused Seal who’s more determined to spread the love ("Love’s Divine"), broadcast his yearning ("Waiting for You"), and promote peace and unity through disco ("Get It Together"). The result is expressed with greater boldness than he’s ever managed before.