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Lindsay Lohan's robotic reel life
Lohan’s virgin/whore dons a robotic hand, the perfect prop to match her performance.
Barely worth an illegal download
Andy Samberg and his SNL Digital Shorts cohort stepped in to recapture some of that “Lazy Sunday” magic.
Reinventing Austen's bio
Anne Hathaway is game enough as Jane, though she has to spend an awful lot of time on the verge of tears.
The Bourne Ultimatum possesses central intelligence
Some talented filmmakers try to play a Hollywood game, churning out a big-budget commercial product in exchange for a smaller, more personal and artistic venture.
The Simpsons Movie craps out
Maybe 18 seasons is too long to remain topical and funny, especially in prime time on Fox TV.
Slips toward mediocrity
A cute and exceptional little boy, a lovable old geezer — you don’t have to be Pauline Kael to realize this formula is a winner.
Or is it?
Wasn’t punk about being independent?
The side dishes make the feast
The give-and-take among the three leads takes the cake.
Mainstream gay-marriage endorsement
Who knew that Adam Sandler had a political movie in him?
Sort of like a soap opera
Once the suds of choice for dirty hippies, Dr. Bronner’s is now a staple of the Whole Foods set, and Sara Lamm’s documentary looks at Dr. B's “All One God Faith” mission.
Where's the sex?
Steve Buscemi probably felt morally compelled to remake Theo van Gogh’s Interview .
Hauntingly awful
It’s the looming specter of a once-great filmmaking talent rising after an eight-year silence.
Sunshine sheds little light on the sci-fi genre
In space, so the tag line for Ridley Scott’s 1979 sci-fi thriller Alien goes, nobody can hear you scream.
English literature is sexier in French film
Hands and Coulloc’h are marvelous together, their nearly wordless love scenes genuinely, stunningly erotic.
Eschewing supernatural hysteria
Something sure to please fans of Ratliff’s documentary Hell House.
A miserable family to watch
Into this mess wanders Jill (Emma Booth), cute and self-assured, so you know she’s in for it.
Giving Petey Greene his due
Not only do the two actors play off each other with perfect synergy, they also take on the eccentricities of the era and the politics of race.
History escapes Herzog in Rescue Dawn
In his 1997 documentary Little Dieter Needs To Fly , Werner Herzog told the story of Dieter Dengler.
Hormones submit to dreary Order
Whatever else it may be, the Harry Potter Edda is surely the most popular narrative about the dawning of pubertal awareness ever created.
Platitudes and mediocrity
Some of the best actresses working in movies today pack the cast of Evening , and all I can say is, was this the best thing available?
Silly, and seen before
It's just another story about a befuddled, underachieving twentysomething whose yuppie girlfriend kicks him out.
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