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Walk for AIDS: 25 years

Join in this Sunday. Despite significant progress, many challenges remain.
Starting at 7:30 this Sunday morning, tens of thousands of walkers, runners, and volunteers will begin gathering by the Hatch Shell on the Boston side of the Charles River Esplanade.
By: EDITORIAL  |  June 04, 2010


Oil, oil, everywhere

BP’s latest eco-crime; City Council Pres. Mike Ross does the right thing; Scott Brown disappoints
It is not enough that British Petroleum’s wounded oil well in the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico continues to bleed millions of gallons of viscous crude oil, killing marshes that could offer protection from future hurricanes, destroying habitats for migrating birds, fouling coastal commercial-fishing grounds.
By: EDITORIAL  |  May 26, 2010


The high cost of free markets

A lack of regulation invites oil spills and financial collapse
Free markets are not free. They always carry a cost.
By: EDITORIAL  |  May 19, 2010


Considering Kagan

She’s weak on free speech, but doesn’t deserve her ‘Seinfeld moment’
Elena Kagan, onetime dean of Harvard Law School and current US solicitor general, is a less than perfect candidate to sit on the Supreme Court.
By: EDITORIAL  |  May 12, 2010


Saving America from itself

The federal government must rein in corporate criminals
The nation’s inability to regulate the corporate class is bringing death, destruction, and economic ruin.
By: EDITORIAL  |  May 05, 2010


Library woes

Plus, Arizona declares war on immigrants
In an attempt to save four Boston Public Library branches that are slated to close due to budget shortfalls, some state legislators from Boston have threatened to block all state funding the library receives if it shutters any of its 26 branches.
By: EDITORIAL  |  April 28, 2010


Brown-nosing and flip-flopping

Scott Brown heeds his boss’s orders; Charlie Baker sides with homophobic party base
Two months ago, when Senator Scott Brown crossed party lines to help pass a jobs bill, the Phoenix noted the political convenience of that supposed show of independence — since other Republican senators were also voting with Democrats, Brown’s vote was unnecessary.
By: EDITORIAL  |  April 23, 2010


Let's get serious

Gambling is front and center on Beacon Hill
The odds are that casino gambling is coming to Massachusetts. The state’s big three — Governor Deval Patrick, State Senate President Therese Murray, and House Speaker Robert DeLeo — are all in favor.
By: EDITORIAL  |  April 16, 2010


The question of Iran

Plus, Tim Flaherty for State Senator
Once again, Washington’s gunslingers are agitating for a war with Iran. Cheered on by Fox News and enabled by uncritical talking heads such as NBC’s David Gregory and PBS’s Charlie Rose, the let’s-bomb-or-invade-or-maybe-do-both-to-Iran brigade is busy softening up public opinion for a war they seem to think is inevitable.
By: EDITORIAL  |  April 07, 2010


The Church and abuse

Plus, the Republicans' dark soul and the Bay State's education failure
If the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church is to regain secular respect, and if it is to reassure its troubled communicants that it is worthy of their devotion, it must reconcile itself to the reality that child abuse is not just a horrendous sin requiring penance and spiritual absolution, but also a vile crime that demands civil prosecution.
By: EDITORIAL  |  March 31, 2010



Health-care reform is a new high-water mark
The Democrats won and the Republicans lost. That, in a nutshell, is the bottom line.
By: EDITORIAL  |  March 24, 2010


Taxi turmoil

Plus, controlling local health costs
Taxis are an under-appreciated and often little-considered component in urban mass-transit systems. They fill the gaps left by the MBTA and offer a sort of curb-to-curb, citywide Zipcar service.
By: EDITORIAL  |  March 17, 2010


Patrick's paradox

No shakes as a political operator, Deval has scored with many policies
Governor Deval Patrick may be the incumbent, but he enters the race for the most thankless statewide job in Massachusetts as an underdog.
By: EDITORIAL  |  March 10, 2010


Where's the outrage?

ACORN attack tape found to be fraudulent. Plus, applause for the merger of two AIDS agencies.
Holy hell broke loose six months ago when a self-appointed truth squad sponsored by a right-wing propagandist broadcast an Internet video that appeared to show African-American employees of ACORN counseling a white pimp and his equally Caucasian hooker on how to dodge a variety of laws.
By: EDITORIAL  |  March 04, 2010


Brown, baby, Brown

The Senator masters the art of playing it safe. Plus, Deval vs. the Legislature.
Senator Scott Brown is getting a lot of praise from the left and abuse from the right for crossing party lines to help pass a jobs bill earlier this week.
By: EDITORIAL  |  February 25, 2010


The power of money

Shame on the nation's biggest health insurer; shame on the Black Caucus
While a cadre of conservative Democrats continues to conspire with Washington's mendacious Republican minority to block national health-care reform, the nation's largest health-benefits company — amusingly called WellPoint — is going about its business of screwing policyholders and scoring record profits in the process.
By: EDITORIAL  |  February 18, 2010


TV's conservative bias

The Palin question asked and answered; plus, rescuing Lawrence
If Sarah Palin were to smoke a joint while piloting a flying saucer to Cuba, evidence suggests that more than one third of America would approve.
By: EDITORIAL  |  February 10, 2010


Impeach John Roberts

The Chief Justice lied
It is time for an enterprising and courageous member of the US House of Representatives to file articles of impeachment against the chief justice of the United States Supreme Court, John Roberts. The charge: lying under oath.
By: EDITORIAL  |  February 08, 2010


Trying times for Obama

Tough times for the nation
It was only a matter of time before President Barack Obama turned into a deficit hawk. But it is a measure of the desperation sparked by Scott Brown's election to Ted Kennedy's old Senate seat that Obama hatched before the conclusion of the 2010 congressional elections and unveiled a spending freeze.
By: EDITORIAL  |  January 27, 2010


Tea-bagger Brown triumphs

Obama must rally independents
Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley may be a good person and a dedicated public servant, but thanks to her gut-wrenching loss to tea-bagging Republican Scott Brown in the race for the US Senate seat held by the late Ted Kennedy, Coakley is now — quite rightly — a figure of local scorn and national derision.
By: EDITORIAL  |  January 20, 2010


Coakley for Senate

She has the talent and gumption to tackle the future
When Massachusetts voters go to the polls on Tuesday to elect a successor to the late Senator Edward Kennedy, they face a choice that is as clear as the difference between black and white.
By: EDITORIAL  |  January 19, 2010

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