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Shape up, governor

It's time to talk the talk
If the Phoenix were grading the recent performance of Governor Deval Patrick, we'd give him somewhere between a B and a B- for pure policy, but between a C- and D+ for political skill.
By: EDITORIAL  |  March 25, 2009


No laughing matter

Anger, Obama, and AIG. Plus, doing nothing on Beacon Hill.
The funnymen Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert have a big edge over supposedly serious bloviators employed by the networks.
By: EDITORIAL  |  March 19, 2009


As bad as Wall Streeters

The greed of Boston's unions is staggering
Even in our 24/7, blog-and-Twitter media world, commentators can barely seem to keep up with the worsening economic conditions.
By: EDITORIAL  |  March 11, 2009


Star crossed

Limbaugh's a celebrity, not a political player
Rush Limbaugh, pink cheeked and increasingly porcine, has emerged as the de-facto head of the Republican Party.
By: EDITORIAL  |  March 06, 2009


Obama explained

He defined, he led, he inspired
If Obama's inaugural address set a new tone, his speech to Congress drew a new map.
By: EDITORIAL  |  February 25, 2009


Time for a big change

End Boston's residency requirement
Boston's political culture is fossilized, resistant to new ideas.
By: EDITORIAL  |  February 18, 2009


Arresting Shepard Fairey

It's about small minds, revenge, and embarrassing the mayor
A cynic might argue that anything that publicizes art is a good thing. Art, after all, challenges how you think — provokes thoughts, insights, emotions that otherwise might not be stirred. It also can amuse and entertain.
By: EDITORIAL  |  February 12, 2009


School politics

It is time to end busing and use the millions more constructively
Public education in Boston will be a hot-button issue in this year's municipal election in ways that have not been seen for at least 10 years.
By: EDITORIAL  |  February 04, 2009


It's a shandeh!

For Brandeis, there must be a better way
The news that Brandeis University plans to shutter its highly regarded Rose Art Museum and sell its exemplary collection of American art from the 1960s and '70s in order to resolve its budget crisis not only shocked the world of elite higher education, it also stunned the local, national, and international arts communities.
By: EDITORIAL  |  January 29, 2009


President Obama

The trek ahead
In retrospect, it all seems of a piece: suitably fitting, almost ordained.
By: EDITORIAL  |  January 21, 2009


The pain hits home

Boston faces a sobering year
With unsuccessful wars running in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the worst economic crisis in almost 80 years likely to get worse long before it gets better, Barack Obama will face challenges of historic proportions when he becomes the nation's 44th president next week.
By: EDITORIAL  |  January 14, 2009



Why Leon might be right for the CIA. Plus: Al Franken, Roland Burris, and Caroline Kennedy.
President-elect Barack Obama's pick of Leon Panetta as director of the Central Intelligence Agency caught Washington by surprise.
By: EDITORIAL  |  January 12, 2009


Follow the leaders

With the economy already staggering and sure to get worse, Massachusetts needs its elected officials to suck it up and show the way
While we won't have George W. Bush to bash for the national trials that await us in 2009, we can learn important lessons from his past failings.
By: EDITORIAL  |  December 30, 2008


The nanny state

Why Boston's latest tobacco ban is a blow to liberty
Assaults on liberty promoted by right-wing authoritarians, such as President George W. Bush and Vice-President Dick Cheney, may be difficult to combat, but they are easy to recognize.
By: EDITORIAL  |  December 18, 2008


Menino's mosque II

Making sense of what went on; taking action for the future
To date, the City Council has been strong-armed by the mayor's office into averting its gaze from all that went on in the construction of the mosque.
By: EDITORIAL  |  December 12, 2008


The spectacle of terror

Why the attacks in Mumbai constitute a terrible threat
Images are weapons as real as bullets and bombs.
By: EDITORIAL  |  December 05, 2008


A moral dilemma

State and local politics is paralyzed by fear
We need serious action and strong leadership — and a public trust that is unlikely to be given.
By: EDITORIAL  |  November 26, 2008


She's back - almost

Why Clinton's appointment is good for Obama. Plus, better Boston graduates.
Why Clinton's appointment is good for Obama. Plus, better Boston graduates.
By: EDITORIAL  |  November 24, 2008


California’s shame

Equal marriage rights suffers a setback, but there is hope. Plus, young voters.
The politics of division as practiced by lame-duck president George W. Bush at the connivance of his onetime Svengali Karl Rove are not dead.
By: EDITORIAL  |  November 24, 2008


Hope restored

Barack Obama's election has sparked international wonder. His task, however, is great.
Barack Obama's election has sparked international wonder. His task, however, is great.
By: EDITORIAL  |  November 06, 2008


Obama for president

Vote for ‘that one.’ Also, approve pot reform.
The past eight years have been disastrous for America.
By: EDITORIAL  |  November 06, 2008

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