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Patrick's latest train wreck

Plus, an Israeli diplomat does the right thing
There is no doubt that Governor Deval Patrick had — and has — much better ideas about reforming and restructuring the state's transportation infrastructure — including the Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority — than the legislature.
By: EDITORIAL  |  August 12, 2009

mad list

How's Obama doing?

Better than you think, but his health-care plans are a problem
Politics, an old cliché holds, is the art of the possible. Achieving the possible is a matter of power. And in a media-saturated democracy, power flows to those with good poll numbers.
By: EDITORIAL  |  September 14, 2009


Patrick's opponents

A meaningful debate about Massachusetts will take intelligence and courage
Charlie Baker, former head of Harvard Pilgrim Health Care and onetime finance chief for governors William Weld and Paul Cellucci, was scheduled to file papers this week to officially open his gubernatorial campaign. With that, he also unofficially kicks off the 2010 Massachusetts election season.
By: EDITORIAL  |  July 29, 2009


What ails the health-care debate?

A: Overly ambitious Democratic plans and unreasonable Republican opposition
If the idea of thinking about the ongoing push for health-care reform gives you a headache, you are not alone.
By: EDITORIAL  |  July 22, 2009


Cheney's latest crime

Plus, Coakley's welcome move against DOMA
As if there were any doubt, the latest CIA scandal once again reminds the nation that whatever former vice-president Dick Cheney touched turned to slime.
By: EDITORIAL  |  July 15, 2009


Robert McNamara, RIP

Memories of Vietnam should speed Obama's exit plans for Iraq and Afghanistan
As secretary of defense under President Lyndon B. Johnson, Robert McNamara prosecuted the Vietnam War on a day-to-day basis, just as Donald Rumsfeld orchestrated the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq for George W. Bush.
By: EDITORIAL  |  July 08, 2009


Patrick's patchwork

Plus, Massachusetts needs a DNA-testing law
The folks on Beacon Hill deserve credit for crafting a budget in this extraordinarily challenging fiscal climate that will hopefully sustain services at a level just short of disastrous.  
By: EDITORIAL  |  July 02, 2009


Benign neglect?

It's time Obama moved vigorously to advance gay and lesbian rights
If you are gay or lesbian, or if you care about realizing social justice, you must be wondering when Obama is going to turn his attention to the fact that one in 10 of the nation's more than 230 million adults are second-class citizens.
By: EDITORIAL  |  June 24, 2009


Tiananmen 2.0?

The Iranian uprising; plus, Yoon disses the BRA
The presidential election stolen from Mir Hossein Mousavi was not really an election at all. It was a sham, an elaborate beauty contest produced by the Islamist theocracy that holds the real power in Iran. The mullahs pick the candidates and the outcome.
By: EDITORIAL  |  June 17, 2009


Fixing Boston Schools

Three new ways of thinking
The race to elect a new mayor of Boston has been in progress for several weeks, and at last there are indications that the candidates are capable of intelligent thought — at least about improving the city's public schools.
By: EDITORIAL  |  June 10, 2009


Right-wing terror

The murder of Dr. George Tiller
Conservatives scoffed in April when the Department of Homeland Security warned that the United States could face another wave of homegrown attacks.
By: EDITORIAL  |  June 03, 2009


On Sotomayor

A noble pick that highlights a political flash point. Plus, California's shame.
There is a pleasing symmetry to President Obama's nomination of federal appeals court judge Sonia Sotomayor to the United States Supreme Court.
By: EDITORIAL  |  May 27, 2009


A self-inflicted wound

Why massive cuts to cultural spending are counterproductive
Layoffs, salary reductions, and budget cuts have become distressingly commonplace.
By: EDITORIAL  |  May 20, 2009


Despot for attention

Plus, vote for Passoni
Former vice-president Dick Cheney has taken his torture tour all over the place in the past few weeks, waging an ongoing campaign to defend what the Bush administration called "enhanced interrogation."
By: EDITORIAL  |  May 13, 2009


Boston's Severin problem

Is WTKK up to measuring degrees of intolerance?
The questions raised by the Severin incident have a philosophical and moral resonance that has been touched upon only in passing.
By: EDITORIAL  |  May 06, 2009


The Globe's Plight

The Herald 's inadequacy
If history is just one damn thing after another, then we are living in undeniably historic times.
By: EDITORIAL  |  April 29, 2009


Tax time?

New taxes may be needed. Plus, why Massachusetts can take pride in the Serve America Act.
State House of Representatives leaders have served the Commonwealth well with their austere new budget: they have shown us the tremendous sacrifices we will need to make, and the drastic cuts that will be put into effect, if we don't raise new revenues.
By: EDITORIAL  |  April 22, 2009


Time to wake up

The State Legislature and Boston's big municipal unions are hurting the public
The news that Massachusetts's finances are in even worse shape than previously thought was not exactly a surprise.
By: EDITORIAL  |  April 15, 2009


Death by handgun

A public-health crisis; plus, gay marriage advances
A couple of weeks ago, David S. Bernstein wrote about the growing "state sovereignty" movement backed by anti-government conspiracy theorists and gun-rights extremists, and touted on the syndicated radio show and Web site of deranged agitator Alex Jones.
By: EDITORIAL  |  April 08, 2009


Car talk

General Motors: What's really at stake
President Barack Obama did the right thing in ousting Rick Wagoner as head man at General Motors. Already there are a few encouraging signs that the GM community realizes it is time to step on the accelerator.
By: EDITORIAL  |  April 01, 2009


Shape up, governor

It's time to talk the talk
If the Phoenix were grading the recent performance of Governor Deval Patrick, we'd give him somewhere between a B and a B- for pure policy, but between a C- and D+ for political skill.
By: EDITORIAL  |  March 25, 2009

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