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Wall Street reform that will work

Crucify the bastards
It is, in the immortal words of Yogi Berra, déjà vu all over again.
By: EDITORIAL  |  May 23, 2012


Why Elizabeth Warren is right — and why Romney won’t change

Bankers and bullies
Like an alcoholic downing nips on the drive home from court-ordered rehabilitation, JPMorgan Chase and its CEO, Jamie Dimon, could hardly wait to once again start wildly tossing depositors' money into derivative hedge bets — the very type of irresponsible behavior that nearly brought down all of Wall Street less than four years ago.
By: EDITORIAL  |  May 16, 2012


Brown bags it

How the Senator screwed college students. Plus, Obama and gay marriage.
Republican Senator Scott Brown's vote to allow the interest on college loans to double illustrates perfectly why Brown is a clever politician, but a rotten senator.
By: EDITORIAL  |  May 09, 2012


Reading between Obama's lines

President Barack Obama's address to the nation from Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan may have lasted less than 11 minutes, but it has big implications.
By: EDITORIAL  |  May 02, 2012


Edwards and Cahill

Plus, arts funding on Beacon Hill
Former US senator and Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards is on trial for violating campaign finance laws. If convicted, Edwards could spend the next 30 years in a federal prison.
By: EDITORIAL  |  April 26, 2012


Romney has capitulated utterly to the gun fetishists — as the body count keeps rising

Ready, aim
Mitt Romney, in what his own staff called the first major speech of the general election, received a standing ovation last week at the National Rifle Association (NRA) annual convention in St. Louis.
By: EDITORIAL  |  April 18, 2012


‘Strip Searches for all,’ says the US Supreme Court is its latest and sickest ruling

Naked justice
The recent US Supreme Court ruling allowing for suspects of even the most minor, nonviolent crimes to be strip-searched is — on a political level — outrageous, and on a personal level it is twisted and smarmy. Quite literally, it perverts an already sick justice system.
By: EDITORIAL  |  August 21, 2012


Trayvon Martin and the dark side of the American soul

Florida justice?
Florida is a nightmare from which America cannot seem to awake. It bakes with neuroses.
By: EDITORIAL  |  March 28, 2012


Q: Who hates school reform?

A: The Boston Teachers' Union  
The Boston Teachers Union (BTU) is bipolar: it wants its members treated as if they were professionals, not wage slaves.
By: EDITORIAL  |  March 21, 2012


Education for the future

Plus, Mitt Romney and his racist, misogynist, know-nothing party
One of the few developments worth applauding on the sorry American political scene is the renewed focus on education.
By: EDITORIAL  |  March 14, 2012


#BoycottRush: How Limbaugh's Sandra Fluke attack set a new standard for public depravity

Plus, the Republicans and their discontents
Radio loudmouth and former prescription-drug addict Rush Limbaugh has been married four times and has no children.  
By: EDITORIAL  |  March 07, 2012


Olympia Snowe and Barney Frank are leaving politics for the same reason

The odd couple
Maine Republican senator Olympia Snowe and Massachusetts Democratic congressman Barney Frank are studies in contrast.
By: EDITORIAL  |  February 29, 2012


Scott Brown, Crazy Person

The senator joins the Republican cult against birth control
When Massachusetts junior senator Scott Brown last week signed on to support a Republican initiative to nullify President Barack Obama's birth-control compromise, Brown joined the vast and growing right-wing war on women.
By: EDITORIAL  |  February 23, 2012


Why the Republican embrace of just one Catholic issue is the height of hypocrisy

Come to Jesus
We like men in dresses as much as the next person.
By: EDITORIAL  |  February 15, 2012


'It's Halftime in America'

Plus, same-sex marriage's latest boost  
Karl Rove is pissed off, and for once we can understand why.  
By: EDITORIAL  |  February 08, 2012


Remembering Kevin

The paradox of the White years
Tuesday's Parkman House wake on Beacon Hill for former Boston Mayor Kevin H. White, who died last week at age 82 after a long struggle with Alzheimer's disease, was more than a tribute to the colorful and resilient politician who led the city during historic years of downtown rejuvenation and racial strife.
By: PETER KADZIS  |  February 01, 2012


Obama's Vision: ''An America Built to Last''

Plus, Deval Patrick
By any measure, President Barack Obama's State of the Union speech would have been considered a political winner, but coming just one day after the Republicans' constipated Florida-primary debate, Obama scored an undeniable triumph.
By: EDITORIAL  |  January 25, 2012


Stopping SOPA

The fight for lasting internet freedom — and security — has only just begun
You can almost breathe a sigh of relief, though the fight is long from over. As of this writing, it looks increasingly as if Congress will — miraculously — fail to break the Internet.
By: EDITORIAL  |  January 18, 2012


Romney's secret formula

Don't be fooled — Mitt is the one
The Republican nomination thing may not be as complicated as the media is making it out to be, but it sure is fun.
By: EDITORIAL  |  January 12, 2012


How 'three strikes' legislation fails

A bad pitch
Despite evidence that "three strikes" mandatory sentencing laws don't work, are punishingly expensive for taxpayers, and make an already unfair criminal-justice system even more irrational and racist, the Massachusetts legislature seems hell-bent on enacting one.
By: EDITORIAL  |  January 04, 2012


Boenher's shame: The putrid politics of Republican negativity.

Or, the GOP’s Payroll-Tax screw-up explained
Pity John Boehner. By rights, as Speaker of the House of Representatives, Boehner should be considered one of Washington's most powerful leaders.
By: EDITORIAL  |  December 21, 2011

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