Romney's first draft

The Massachusetts media could play a big role in shaping Mitt’s ’08 bid — or close to none at all
By MARK JURKOWITZ  |  January 19, 2006

If a few recent incidents are any indication, Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, widely viewed as a likely Republican presidential hopeful in 2008, is quite concerned about the hometown press.

In an interview with the Boston Globe published on December 22, Romney, with an eye on his national image, fretted that “the Boston media will be intent on trying to show that I have changed positions and moved right. It does that distorting effort on a regular basis.”

In response to a Herald page-one splash that same day declaring i should’ve stayed home: mitt’s regret about his political career, the governor batted off a letter to the editor calling the headline “a gross distortion of the exchange I had with your reporter.” (Based on what appeared in the Herald interview, he’s got a pretty fair case.)

But for someone contemplating the presidency from a unique position — a political newcomer who has a national name thanks to the Olympics; a candidate with solid ante-up assets such as looks, wealth, and a strong political bloodline; a governor less likely to run on his Beacon Hill record than against the liberal culture of the state — these recent media dustups raise a crucial question. Put bluntly, do the famously aggressive and often parochial Massachusetts media matter? Put another way, will Romney need the local press to write the first chapter of his national biography, or has he already created enough of a story line to skip the “Romney 101” course that would traditionally serve as a primer for Beltway commentators and national kingmakers? Even though he’s the chief executive, it’s quite possible that Romney’s Republican candidacy can get along just fine without much help — or hindrance — from the state’s media machinery.

When Governor Michael Dukakis emerged from near obscurity to win the 1988 Democratic nomination, local journalists were instrumental in forging the “Massachusetts Miracle” campaign theme of the “Duke” as the super-competent technocrat behind the state’s booming economy. (Dukakis’s formal announcement in March 1987 was greeted the next day with 17 stories, features, and items in the Herald while the Globe ran eight stories and two columns. A much less impressed New York Times ran its story on page 16.)

That local-media role was considerably diminished during the 2004 candidacy of Senator John Kerry, who is far more of a Washington figure than a Massachusetts pol and who inspired no great loyalty or passion back at home.

Ironically, local journalists seem far more inclined than the national analysts to believe that the Massachusetts media will be marginalized by a Romney candidacy.

“I think the answer is the local press won’t be much of a factor,” says Jon Keller, the CBS4 political analyst who broke the story that the governor wasn’t running for re-election. “If anything, the Massachusetts [situation] is sort of an oddity in his national résumé. If he plays it right, it could almost be forgotten.”

Long-time Herald political writer Wayne Woodlief pretty much agrees, saying, “My first instinct is that he is trying to shape his national image to such good effect that he won’t need the Massachusetts media.”

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 See all articles by: MARK JURKOWITZ