[sidebar] The Boston Phoenix
March 12 - 19, 1998


t h i s   w e e k

Radio Free Everywhere
All jungle all the time! Or all Chicago blues! Now playing on your computer.
by Dan Tobin

The toilet papers

In Polaroids and musicians' own words, local keyboardist Laurie Hoffma records the down and dirty world of the rock-club toilet
text & photos by Laurie Hoffma

Trash wars

South End residents want to end the garbage picking that leaves their streets a mess. But to the scavengers, one man's trash is another man's treasure...
by Sarah McNaught

c o l u m n s

Editorial by the Phoenix

Speak freely
The enemies of free expression are on the march

Don't Quote Me by Dan Kennedy

Tsk, tsk, tsk
The journalism reviews don't like Fornigate one little bit. Plus, the Herald versus Scientology, and Michael Kelly's dis-and-tell disclosure.

Out There by Ellen Barry

Poised to tell all
I'm interesting! I'm really, really interesting!

Talking Politics by Michael Crowley

Like a prayer
From Philadelphia to Boston, the cities fight for survival

[5] Ask Dr. Lovemonkey

a r c h i v e d   a r t i c l e s

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