[sidebar] The Boston Phoenix
April 16 - 23, 1998


t h i s   w e e k

The naked eye
When authorities try to stop sales of Jock Sturges's photos of unclothed teenagers, what are they really trying to keep from us? An interview with Sturges.
by David Steinberg

The virtual house call

A doctor at Children's Hospital is sending his patients home with video cameras. His idea could redefine the doctor-patient relationship. It could also be a tool for Big Brother.
by Ellen Barry

The emperor has no clothes

Paul Cellucci's reign of error
by Michael Crowley

c o l u m n s

Editorial by the Phoenix

A True Poem
In honor of National Poetry Month, the Phoenix asked Lloyd Schwartz, distinguished poet and the Phoenix's Pulitzer Prize- winning classical-music critic, to contribute a poem

Don't Quote Me by Dan Kennedy

Are they scandals?
Boston versus Gates, the Globe versus Flynn, Barnicle versus Eagan

Cityscape by Sarah McNaught

Hate on parade
With emotions running high, there could be trouble when gays march in Lawrence

[5] Ask Dr. Lovemonkey

a r c h i v e d   a r t i c l e s

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