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Table of contents for week of December 5, 2002 NEWS & FEATURES A triumvirate of old evildoers -- Henry Kissinger, John Poindexter, and Strom Thurmond -- is back in the news again. Michael Bronski asks why the press isn't all over them. In Talking Politics, Seth Gitell says Al Gore should do a lot more reckoning with his political past before he decides to run for president again. Feeling logy on Thanksgiving Day? Sean Glennon wonders whether it was the tryptophan in the turkey or the trippily slow-motion Patriots. Ruth Tobias looks at the overlooked on Beacon Street. In the Phoenix editorial, we tell Kerry to be bold and Bulger to speak. In Out There, Tamara Wieder gets personal. Kate Cohen gets a leg up on leg warmers in Urban Buy. Plus, this just in: Q&A : Talking with Bay Windows’ new editor MARRIAGE VOWS : How J.Lo can you go? TALKING POLITICS : Kerry tends to the home fires COUNTER-PROTEST : Jesus Has Two Mommies draws fire from Catholics FILM : The wolf minding the chicken coop TOWN MEETING : Stop sexual violence CITY HALL : Which way will the Allston-Brighton city-council race go? Letters to the editor Moon Signs Dr. Lovemonkey EDITORS' PICKS In Arts news, Artists Rigoberto Mena Santana and Barbara Kruger come to town In Galleries and Museums, Randi Hopkins talks to curator Sue Reed about the upcoming "Impressions of Light" show at the MFA David Weininger on Pierre Boulez in Classical. In Theater, Iris Fanger explains the Arev Armenian Folk Ensemble. In Performance, Ted Drozdowski talks with Jon Stewart. Plan your week: This week Hot Tix Future Events Next Weekend MUSIC Franklin Soults asks whether Faith Hill and Tim McGraw are the Bill and Hillary of country music. Franklin Bruno celebrates the 25th anniversary of The Mekons. Banning Eyre on the return of the Nonesuch Explorer Series. Matt Ashare reviews Lou Reed's Live Take No Prisoners. Michael Endelman ranks Jay-Z as rap's #1 -- for now. Lloyd Schwartz checks out the BSO's Hänsel und Gretel, BAM's The Pirates of Penzance, and Barenboim. In Giant Steps, Jon Garelick listens to and looks at Oliver Jackson and Marty Ehrlich's "paint" jazz. In State of the art, Ted Drozdowski on the Bentmen's Ulcer Gulch. And last but not least, Roadtripping. Also, short reviews of: Jimi Hendrix : BLUE WILD ANGEL: JIMI HENDRIX LIVE AT THE ISLE OF WIGHT The Church : PARALLEL UNIVERSE Cephas & Wiggins : SOMEBODY TOLD THE TRUTH Large Professor : 1ST CLASS Morelenbaum2/Sakamoto : CASA Miguel Mig : COLORFUL YOU Joseph Arthur : REDEMPTION’S SON FILM Loren King says The Trials of Henry Kissinger struck a timely note even before Henry the K got his new job. In Film Culture, Gerald Peary on Ed Sikov's biography of Peter Sellers Mr. Strangelove. Also, short reviews of: PERSONAL VELOCITY EQUILIBRIUM ANALYZE THAT EXTREME OPS EMPIRE THEATER Carolyn Clay says Stones in His Pockets is a letdown. DANCE Jeffrey Gantz explains why Boston Ballet's annual Nutcracker is a blockbuster. BOOKS Mike Miliard reads Robert Coover's pomo porno, The Adventures of Lucky Pierre: The Director's Cut. TELEVISION Joyce Millman watches Boomtown arrive with a bang and the fourth season of The Sopranos fizzle out. Hot Dots -- Thursday 9:00 (5) Dear Santa. Jim Belushi, Joe Piscopo, and Usher answer letters to Santa. In person. Merry Christmas, kid. FOOD Dining Out : Super 88 Market Food Connection On the Cheap : Stars on Huntington Noshing & Sipping : Cambridge Brewing Company jazz brunch SPECIALS Best Music Poll 2002 Fall 2002 Band Guide The 6th annual Best issue |