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Old ideas for a new year

Plus, a dirty job for Deval: fix the Big Dig
During the past 18 months, the good news out of City Hall has come in the form of fresh faces.
By: EDITORIAL  |  January 16, 2008


Hillary's triumph

Plus, why Obama still matters, and the Edwards factor
Hillary Clinton’s breathtaking rebound in New Hampshire is, in a very real way, in line with Barack Obama’s Iowa win: it confounded expectations.
By: EDITORIAL  |  January 09, 2008



Mitt Romney is a liar, and Republican voters deserve better.
Members of the GOP must reject the shameless, dishonorable, dishonest former governor of Massachusetts, Willard Mitt Romney.
By: EDITORIAL  |  January 09, 2008


The fire next time

The ugly dispute over testing firefighters for drugs and alcohol. Plus, rebuilding UMass Boston.
When the firefighters union quit the special committee seeking to reform the Boston Fire Department this past week, it exhibited contempt for city residents and a reckless disregard for the safety of its own members.
By: EDITORIAL  |  December 20, 2007


O + O = Passion

Why Obama and Oprah matter. Plus, Menino’s do-nothing approach to “fixing” the fire department
Obama and Oprah are the new power couple, supplanting — at least for the moment — Hillary and Bill.
By: EDITORIAL  |  December 12, 2007


Dumb or dishonest?

Bush and Iran. Plus, disturbing news about AIDS, and Romney’s illegal problem
For some reason, wisdom maintains that Republicans hold an edge over Democrats when it comes to commanding the military and conducting foreign policy.
By: EDITORIAL  |  December 05, 2007


Marijuana reform

A less-than-perfect but much-needed initiative. Plus, more evidence that Trent Lott is a weasel.
There is no sense to be found in the prosecution of individuals for possession of small amounts of marijuana.
By: EDITORIAL  |  November 28, 2007


Craig Smith (1947–2007)

Boston loses a beloved musician
For more than 30 years, Emmanuel Music has been central to the cultural life of Boston.
By: EDITORIAL  |  November 19, 2007


Deadbeat universities

It’s time for higher education to pay its fair share of city costs. Plus, how to improve the Boston City Council.
No college should be allowed to cry poverty to get out of PILOT anymore.
By: EDITORIAL  |  November 14, 2007

Green journalism

A letter from the Boston editor, November 9, 2007
What the hell is the Phoenix thinking printing a Green Issue when that very enterprise would only use (some might charge “waste”) more paper?
By: LANCE GOULD  |  November 08, 2007


Unpleasantness at the BPL

How one of the nation’s leading librarians got axed by City Hall
Why would the library’s trustees give the boot to a leader who has proved to be a triple-threat talent?
By: EDITORIAL  |  November 07, 2007


For Boston City Council

Plus, a lesson from the Red Sox
Boston’s 13 city councilors — especially the four members elected at-large — hold high-profile jobs.
By: EDITORIAL  |  October 31, 2007


Why Mukasey stinks

Plus, what the Obama endorsement shows about Patrick
The idea that former federal judge Michael Mukasey may soon be confirmed as US attorney general is almost a welcome relief. But it should not be.
By: EDITORIAL  |  October 25, 2007


Rent a war

The real significance of hired guns in Iraq. Plus, combating Ann Coulter.
Wonder why the Iraq government changed its mind about expelling Blackwater, the rent-a-soldier company whose employees killed 17 civilians this past month?
By: EDITORIAL  |  October 17, 2007


Tsongas for Congress

Plus, those scary Republicans running for president
On Tuesday, voters in the Fifth Congressional District will be faced with a clear and obvious choice of who should succeed former representative Marty Meehan in the US Congress.
By: EDITORIAL  |  October 10, 2007


P-town’s not-so-secret vice

Beating up gay guys appears to be all the rage ,  and   police and the DA are part of the problem
Something went seriously awry in Provincetown this summer, where several attacks with possible homophobic overtones were ignored by, and in one case was committed by, the town’s own law-enforcement officials.
By: EDITORIAL  |  October 03, 2007


Iran: the next crisis

Trying to make sense of Ahmadinejad at Columbia will not shed light on Bush’s emerging plans to attack Iran
All politics are local, so said the late Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill.
By: EDITORIAL  |  September 26, 2007


Patrick’s winning hand

Why the governor’s casino plan is aces
Casino gambling may not solve all of the fiscal challenges facing Massachusetts, but it is the best idea currently on the table.
By: EDITORIAL  |  September 19, 2007


Disillusioning reality

The weight of public opinion will not get us out of Iraq. Plus, a huge boost for the arts.
It took the United States four years to get out of Vietnam.
By: EDITORIAL  |  September 12, 2007


Brokeback men's room

A curiously Republican story
Once upon a time there was a barbershop quartet known as the Singing Senators.
By: EDITORIAL  |  September 05, 2007


In praise of four-letter words

Or why the FCC should go fuck itself
The perversity of today’s FCC is that by being vague it can be more effectively chilling, censorious, and repressive.
By: EDITORIAL  |  August 29, 2007

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