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Shell on wheels

The Nintendo Wii’s kart attack
Unless Nintendo is planning to drop a surprise Kid Icarus remake on us, Mario Kart Wii will be one of its last franchises to make the leap to the next generation.
By: MITCH KRPATA  |  May 07, 2008


Polar excess

The brutal but beautiful Ikaruga
Warning: if you’re the type to scream profanities and toss controllers when a game is too difficult, you’ll want to give Ikaruga a wide berth.
By: MITCH KRPATA  |  April 28, 2008


Sex, violence and video games

Reconciling the irreconcilable
Popular culture has always had a bogeyman. These days, it’s most often video games being accused of leading the nation’s youth astray.
By: MITCH KRPATA  |  April 23, 2008


Unkindest cuts

Ninja Gaiden  suffers a lethal blow
Some advice for game developers: just because the Nintendo DS has a microphone does not mean you have to shoehorn the mic into every DS game.
By: RYAN STEWART  |  April 22, 2008


Zack attack

A stellar prequel to Final Fantasy VII
One of the enduring images from 1997’s Final Fantasy VII was a short cinema showing the rogue warrior Sephiroth disappearing into a wall of flame.
By: MITCH KRPATA  |  April 15, 2008


Bros. in arms

Nintendo puts nostalgia on Smash
Look — there’s Link fighting Bowser! Whoa!
By: MITCH KRPATA  |  April 07, 2008


Glaive danger

Dark Sector goes down in blades of glory
We’ve all known someone whose IQ score was off the charts and who was unable to untie his own shoes. Dark Sector is the video-game equivalent of that guy.
By: MITCH KRPATA  |  April 01, 2008


War games

Army of Two fights the good fight — mostly
September 11 has featured prominently in books, movies, and TV shows, but video games have danced around the subject — until now.
By: MITCH KRPATA  |  March 24, 2008


The rhythm method

Patapon  bangs the drum slowly
Rhythm games have a proud and noble tradition as one of the most innovative genres around.
By: MITCH KRPATA  |  March 18, 2008


Strategy session

The venial Sins of a Solar Empire
Let’s get the important part out of the way first: Sins of a Solar Empire has the best name of any game you’ll play this year, or even this decade.
By: MITCH KRPATA  |  March 11, 2008


Members only

The Club  isn’t for everyone
“Why am I doing this?”
By: MITCH KRPATA  |  March 03, 2008


Odyssey of the mind

A Lost art resurfaces on the 360
If this current generation of gaming lacks anything, it’s traditional role-playing games.
By: RYAN STEWART  |  February 25, 2008


The Devil you know

No great leap for Devil May Cry 4
For the truly hardcore — those gamers who thrive on punishing difficulty — the Devil May Cry series is godhead.
By: MITCH KRPATA  |  February 20, 2008


Road trip

Burnout  goes open-world
Risk versus reward — that’s what the Burnout series of racing games has always been about.
By: MITCH KRPATA  |  February 11, 2008


Pixel punk

No More Heroes  plays by its own rules  
Suda 51 takes everything he’s ever liked in a game and mashes it all together till it becomes wholly his own.
By: MITCH KRPATA  |  February 04, 2008


Superpower of attorney

The jury’s out on Harvey Birdman
Why did they make this game, again?
By: MITCH KRPATA  |  January 28, 2008


Oh no, Godzilla

They say he’s got to go
Let me tell you exactly how long I played Godzilla Unleashed : two hours. Two miserable, excruciating hours of my life that I will never get back.
By: MITCH KRPATA  |  January 22, 2008


Ace in the hole

Fairway Solitaire  is a stroke of genius
Fairway Solitaire ought to come with a warning label.
By: MITCH KRPATA  |  January 14, 2008


Raining blood

The Umbrella Chronicles
You have to hand it to the folks at Capcom: they simply don’t know how to mail it in.
By: MITCH KRPATA  |  January 07, 2008


Frag fest

Multiplayer mayhem in Unreal Tournament III
If you can accept that multiplayer shooters are essentially sports games, it goes a long way toward getting you into the appropriate mindset to enjoy them.
By: MITCH KRPATA  |  December 31, 2007


No rest for the wicked awesome

Winter games are heating up
Gamers are usually lucky if they can get their hands on one premium title to last them through those long, cold nights. Not this year.
By: MITCH KRPATA  |  December 21, 2007

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