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No rest for the wicked awesome

Winter games are heating up
Gamers are usually lucky if they can get their hands on one premium title to last them through those long, cold nights. Not this year.
By: MITCH KRPATA  |  December 21, 2007


Critical depth

Videogames: 2007 in review
We may look back upon 2007 as the year games started to grow up.
By: MITCH KRPATA  |  December 17, 2007


Star trek

Super Mario Galaxy blasts off
At its best, Super Mario Galaxy feels as liberating as the first three-dimensional Mario game, Super Mario 64 .
By: MITCH KRPATA  |  December 10, 2007


Cosmic debris

The little things sink Mass Effect
On paper, it was the greatest game ever. And then it crash-landed.
By: MITCH KRPATA  |  December 03, 2007


Future perfect

Ratchet and Clank explore new horizons
PlayStation 3 owners have had a rough go of it.
By: MITCH KRPATA  |  November 27, 2007


WW2 is finally over

Call of Duty  goes modern
The Infinity Ward developers must be high-fiving.
By: MADDY MYERS  |  November 19, 2007


The killing joke

Manhunt 2  ought to be committed
“Murder simulators.” That’s the term notorious anti-games crusader Jack Thompson coined to describe any game in which one character kills another.
By: MITCH KRPATA  |  November 14, 2007


Strummer vacation

Guitar Hero 3  is on its own
The first two installments of the enormously popular Guitar Hero franchise were designed and developed by Harmonix, a Cambridge-based company famous for employing a horde of musicians.
By: RYAN STEWART  |  November 06, 2007


Holy war

No salvation for Clive Barker’s   Jericho
Clive Barker doesn’t do subtlety.
By: MITCH KRPATA  |  October 30, 2007


The new black

This fall, Orange is in
If you wanted to nitpick, you could say that Half-Life 2: Episode Two is too brief.
By: MITCH KRPATA  |  October 23, 2007


Phantom tollbooth

Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass  proves worth the wait
Was this going to be yet another instance of the Nintendo folks driving away their core audience in favor of the “casual gamers” market they covet so much?
By: RYAN STEWART  |  October 15, 2007


Board meeting

EA’s latest is no cheap Skate
Competition is a good thing.
By: MITCH KRPATA  |  October 09, 2007


So long, Master Chief

Halo 3 calls it a day
Halo is the great unifier of the video-game world, bringing together people of all stripes, from hardcore geeks to competitive jocks.
By: MITCH KRPATA  |  October 01, 2007


Shoot ’em up

Stranglehold is a soft-boiled shooter
There’s a great line in the 1992 John Woo movie Hard Boiled : “Give a guy a gun and he thinks he’s Superman. Give him two and he thinks he’s God!”
By: MITCH KRPATA  |  September 26, 2007


Samus ever

Metroid  has a new control scheme, but so what?
People have been trying to get into Samus Aran’s suit ever since they first discovered that the bad-ass, bounty-hunting hero of the Metroid series was a woman.
By: MITCH KRPATA  |  September 19, 2007


Locked and loaded

The fall promises a double-barreled blast of gaming greatness
Okay, this is getting ridiculous. It’s already been a strong year for games, with four — four ! — game-of-the-year contenders before Labor Day.
By: MITCH KRPATA  |  September 12, 2007



Yet another Madden
With its virtual monopoly on video-game football in place, the Madden franchise has become less essential with each successive iteration.
By: RYAN STEWART  |  September 04, 2007


Impossible dream

BioShock  plumbs uncharted depths
It wasn’t impossible to build Rapture at the bottom of the ocean, Andrew Ryan would say of his creation. It was impossible to build it anywhere else.
By: MITCH KRPATA  |  August 28, 2007


Soccer riot

Game time for Mario and his band of hooligans
Some said it would never happen, but the arrival of a certain global icon has done the impossible and made Americans care about soccer.
By: MITCH KRPATA  |  August 22, 2007


The furry blue line

Sam and Max are back on the streets
Of the many evolutionary dead ends in the history of video games, no demise is more lamented than that of the point-and-click adventure.
By: MITCH KRPATA  |  August 14, 2007


Tenchu Zzz . . .

The dull life of the modern-day ninja
What’s cooler than a ninja?
By: MITCH KRPATA  |  August 07, 2007

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